You Were a Party But I Wasn't Invited   by Megan Lent



There is a boy in San Diego who has my copy of The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh. It is my only copy. I read it in high school and drew over the front cover with a pink and a yellow highlighter. I lived with him when I gave it to him. I said, you'll like this. Because he worked in 'the industry' then. He put it in his red backpack and kissed my face.

There is a girl in upstate New York who has my copy of Perks of Being a Wallflower. I bought it at Urban Outfitters and liked it a lot when I read it. Last night I dreamed that there was an Urban Outfitters by my house. I 'said' to Gabby once that Facebook should just be a gigantic record of dreams and I think she maybe laughed because she 'liked' my comment. The girl in upstate New York borrowed the book from my house. We were in a play together. I cast her in it so that we could sing an Alanis Morisette song together onstage. She was very pretty and I think the only blonde friend I've ever had.

There is a boy at a Catholic school in the bay area who has my burned copy of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. It's more likely he lost it. I don't know. He also has a Tupperware I used to give him a slice of chocolate cake on his birthday and my Across the Universe soundtrack. He is dating a ginger that he has wanted to date since before I knew him and this makes me happy. He was the first person who made me want to do something 'poetic' with him. The poetic thing was that I wanted to run the fat of his body through my teeth like gristle. I'm a vegetarian. I guess that's not very poetic when I write it down.

The CD was burned for me by my journalism teacher. His name was John. I think burning CDs was maybe crossing a boundary but I liked his taste in music so I didn't mind. He also gave me Astral Weeks and the book White Noise and an article about Dick Cheney and other things I don't remember. He got fired and I think moved to Ecuador. Sometimes I think maybe I'll walk by him on the street and say, hi John, and we'll just be friends. Or we'll be in a writing workshop together and just be like equals. But I know thar these things will never happen, even though they are not improbable or outlandish or anything. They just won't.

I think if anyone has a copy of The Loved One or Perks of Being a Wallflower or In the Aeroplane Over the Sea and wanted to send it to me I'd be happy about that.

